Saturday, September 29, 2007

Week 8 thing 18

I just listened to the podcast on web based productivity applications. Then I looked at zoho writer and watched a video on google writer. One thing stood out in my mind and I wanted to get it on my blog before I go out on the desk and forget.

I understand about posting the document on the web so invited folks can read it and make edits (if allowed). Maybe this is a control thing on my end, but your document is now on someone else's server rather than a hard drive, disc or thumb drive. What if that server is unavailable or say google looses your file? Wouldn't it make more sense to have your documents on your own saving device? I guess I'm a little skeptical about handing over my document to a service that is in cyberspace.

Once I'm off the desk, I'll come backto thing 18 again and continue exploring. I just needed to get those thoughts down.

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